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Ruvin De Silva: The Renaissance Man

It is not usual to bump into a man of many things in this day and age but our featured guest today has accomplished just that. A maestro in the world of photography and theatrical performance Ruvin De Silva is also an exceptional musician and one of the founding members of ‘Cynosure’ an immensely popular Sri Lankan rock band in the mid-2000s.

A calm and composed figure who never fails to have a smile on his face is often seen in the heart of Colombo either relishing the companionship of his friends or busy with what he does best, clicking away at life’s magical moments.

‘A robust bloke with a golden heart’ as some of his friends may describe him may not portray the typical renaissance man description, instead, Ruvin’s demeanor would astonish many but don’t be fooled, Ruvin De Silva, despite the frivolous appearance is as profound and experienced as they come. Sitting down with him over a cold latte disclosed much into the life of Ruvin De Silva.

Q: Let’s start with this ready… ‘who is Ruvin De Silva’?

Well, I’d have to say that I’m an actor, photographer, a terrible cook, a dad to a 5-year-old, mmm… sometimes I paint faces on paper, sometimes, I make music and run a web radio show and oh I am trying to be a filmmaker too.

Q: Do you reside with your family or alone?

I live alone in a small flat with the best landlords, but I have a brother who is a musician and my mom makes the best curries. I also have a daughter who is going to be 6 soon. She’s the light of my life. I’ve got two four-legged children who bark too.

Q: Were you active in any sports or societies at school?

Yes, Badminton, Cricket and Swimming

Q: In general, how were you when growing up at home?

I’m a lot calmer now than before. Love spending time at home. I guess there’s still a little bit of mischief left.

Q: You’ve been a successful musician over the last decade or so, are you still active in that aspect?

I used to play in a couple of bands. Cynosure and Nuke the System. Now I don’t perform but I do put noises together and make music whenever I’m in the mood.

Q: How and where did your corporate journey start?

I started off as a graphic designer but I didn’t fit too well in the industry. So now I use my design skills in everything else I do. Theatre, Photography and Film. Sometimes, I find joy even decorating my own space.

Q: What made you venture into acting?

I’ve been acting since 2007. Started off as a theatre actor but I love film as much as I love theatre. I’ve completed a couple of projects this year and eagerly waiting for the releases.

Q: Have you won any awards?

Haven’t won any Oscars yet haha but I was nominated for best actor in the recent life film awards.

Q: What made you get into Photography?

It was through acting. I was heavily inspired by a local photographer named Deshan Tennekoon. He used to photograph all our theatre work. I’ll tell you a secret though, I never wanted to get into photography but I suppose it kind of just happened and it kept paying the bills.

Q: Apart from work what are you really good at?

Sauteing broccoli and peppers. 🙂

Q: What type of photography do you like to pursue?

Documentary, Journalism.

Q: How do you manage your social life with work?

Luckily for me, I work with most of my friends and I try to collaborate as much as possible.

Q: Ruvin De Silva is known as a ladies man is this true?

Hahaha this isn’t true, to be honest but I wish it were though. I think I’m more infamous on the matter.

Q: Which profession out of the three would you choose if you were to pick one?

I don’t know really. Maybe acting but then I’d miss taking photographs.

Q: What equipment do you use for work?

Currently I have a fujifilm xt3. two lenses. everythinng else I rent or borrow.

Q: Are you a detail-oriented person?

Yes, I think so. Sometimes when it matters.

I like visuals that bother me,

that provokes something inside and that, which makes me uncomfortable.

– Ruvin De Silva

Q: You create some amazing styles how would you classify them?

Looks that most people don’t want on their walls.

Q: Do you have any Idols, if so, whom would you consider as an idol?

I don’t think have any idols, maybe people who don’t eat meat or people who are socially and environmentally conscious.

Q: What’s your favourite lens? Why?

I like prime lenses. They make me go to the subject and frame it myself.

Q: Which would you consider is your best work and why?

I don’t know really. I have problems with everything I’ve made so far. 🙂

Q: What do you look for in a model when considering a shoot?

Someone who’s interested in doing work I guess.

Q: What are you working on currently?

A bunch of things actually. I’m working on couple of music track and two screenplays which I’m working on with a friend. I also have a couple of films in the pipeline.

Q: What sort of dedication is required to run your own business?

lots of discipline I think. a bit of luck.

Q: Which brand of cameras do you prefer and why?

Something that’s light and not too heavy. 🙂

Q: What is the most rewarding part of being a photographer, actor and band member?

As a grapher – I think it’s definitely being able to stop time and see frames you want to see for a lot longer. As an actor – Exploring people other than myself. Living, being them and working with other actors who are doing the same thing.

Q: Can you dance?

Errrr… I love dancing. Dance parties and weddings.

Q: Can you pass a quick-tips on capturing the perfect photo?

Delete all the bad, normal-looking ones.

Q: What advice could you pass on to our readers?

Watch good movies and drink lots of water.

There you have it, a quick peek into the life of the ever-talented Ruvin De Silva. If you’d ever wish to see him performing those amazing ‘dance moves’ of his, make sure to keep an eye out at social functions and you’re sure to notice Ruvin.

Ruvin De Silva is a multi-talented individual who works as a photographer and a theater actor you can check out his portfolio at Ruvin De Silva Photography and Ruvin De Silva on Instagram.

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