If you have an interesting story & wish to share it with our readers, please email us and we will publish it after reviewing/moderating. (Please note terms & conditions apply).

Terms & Conditions

  1. Articles that you send have to be your work. If they are not your work, they must be properly referenced.
  2. Any picture, praise or extract from external sources must be referenced.
  3. There has to be a clear heading and the word count should not exceed 2500 words.
  4. Your articles may be screened, altered, modified & edited to ensure the quality & relevance.
  5. Editing & Publishing an article will be at the sole discretion of the Ultimate Guide Club team.
  6. Submitting articles is purely voluntary. Yet, the author must take the 100% responsibility to provide us with accurate information that is helpful to our website

We are thanking you in advance and wishing you all the very best for all your great submissions.

Email: editor@ultimateguide.club