
Entrepreneurship of Today in 2020 become an impactful and influential


Over the last decade or so the term Inspiration has become an impactful and influential term. We’ve heard of greats such as Henry Ford, Colonel Saunders, Andrew Carnegie, and Thomas Edison, etc., but in today’s society, we have a new breed of entrepreneurs in Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Sir Richard Branson, Anthony Robbins, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and so forth. All these individuals possess something of a skill, which penetrated the economical or innovative sector of the world. We may ask ourselves can we reach the top?

Can we become the next Elon Musk?

Over the last decade or so the term Inspiration has become an impactful and influential term. We’ve heard of greats such as Henry Ford, Colonel Saunders, Andrew Carnegie, and Thomas Edison, etc., but in today’s society, we have a new breed of entrepreneurs in Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Sir Richard Branson, Anthony Robbins, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and so forth. All these individuals possess something of a skill, which penetrated the economical or innovative sector of the world. We may ask ourselves can we reach the top?

Can we become the next Elon Musk? The answer is not that simple. Think about it, if it were, everyone would be a millionaire, wouldn’t they? However, don’t dampen your mood yet. It is possible to achieve success if you have what it takes to get to the top. Sure, it’s easier said than done but hey, how does one actually get there?

We know the story behind Colonel Saunders he wasn’t successful at the start. He took up low paying job roles such as farmer, streetcar conductor, railroad fireman, and insurance salesman and all of which didn’t take him to where he desired. It was at age 40 that he rediscovered himself and the rest well, are the three big letters in the fast-food poultry industry.

Mark Zuckerberg, the wonder of the twenty-first century was a university graduate who dropped out of Harvard in his sophomore year. In February 2004 the inception of Facebook was underway. Mark Zuckerberg didn’t have a sophisticated laboratory and neither did he have the ideal resources to develop his dream but what did have, as with all other entrepreneurs listed above is tenacity and the will to dominate.

Unwavering Determination:

Jeff Boss, A Leadership Team Coach, Author, and Entrepreneur identifies determination as a key factor in achieving your goals. He focuses on the US Navy Seal’s Basic Underwater Demolition training where it is known for its not so “comfort factor”. According to him the selection process for this training takes up to six months and roughly 80 percent of its volunteers are sent home. The remaining lot is pushed to the brink of mental annihilation every day till they achieve their ultimate goal of becoming something ‘special’

Trusting Instincts:

Entrepreneurs are those weird and surreal people who take the leap of faith when all seems lost. They make large investments when the stock market seemingly plummets, they buy off large companies and conglomerates which are in debt. Here’s the trick, although it may seem like impulse decisions, what they take are actually calculated risks.

Getting Ahead of the Rest:

It’s no lie that entrepreneurs wake up at that magical hour of 4 am. Ever wondered why? Well, getting a head start gives them those additional hours to maximize on their goals.

“You might think getting up earlier is just a matter of discipline, but it actually takes much more than that,” says Julie Morgenstern, time management expert and author of Never Check Email in the Morning (Touchstone; 2005).

Fake It till You Make It:

An English aphorism that encourages imitating confidence, competence, and optimism in order to inculcate those qualities in a person through repetition. If you want to take a cue out of Bill Gates’ playbook, wake up early, exercise, read more, cut back on reality television, and incorporate a daily to-do list to your routine.

Follow the Blueprint:

Chances are Google, Apple or some other company has already laid out the plan for your business model as you read, but that doesn’t mean you can’t follow their lead. Look on the bright side they’ve done all the hard work for you and all you need to do is research and study what measures they’ve taken and you’d be halfway there.

Entrepreneurial Traits:

The moment you search for ‘entrepreneurial traits’ the first couple of frequent searches you’d come across complete with the query, would be that of either Steve Jobs and or of Bill Gates’, etc., these are some of the iconic entrepreneurs that come to mind who were spawned with enterprise in their DNA. What if we weren’t born with enterprise DNA? Do we have a shot at success? Yes, we do! Entrepreneurs can be guided towards success and by harnessing crucial attributes scholars, business people and venture capitalists can be discovered.

Although it may seem difficult to inspire yourself to become an entrepreneur it’s by no way impossible. All you’ve got to do is follow the clues your role models have left and you’ll get there earlier than expected.

Good Luck!

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