
President Donald J. Trump Feels China Directly Responsible for Outbreak in 2020

Head shot of Trump smiling in front of the U.S. flag. He is wearing a dark blue suit jacket, white shirt, light blue necktie, and American flag lapel pin.

President Donald J. Trump

U.S. President Donald Trump raised a few concerns as he indicted China of ‘deliberately concealing’ facts regarding the SARS-CoV-19 outbreak. His allegations towards the Asian superpower did not stop there as he inducted the country of causing the COVID-19 outbreak which caused an unprecedented global catastrophe.

His strong words “knowingly responsible” echoed in the air as fellow Americans agreed that there should be consequences. Perhaps the entire world would feel the same as many other nations around the world have faced similar or graver consequences.

A member of the White House coronavirus task force, Dr. Deborah Birx, quoted that China having experienced the virus’ detrimental behaviour has a “moral obligation” to be transparent in its response.

A response directly hinted after China’s recent accusations over concealing vital information regarding the virus.

The President said at a news conference on Saturday that the American Government is currently conducting investigations over the matter and is keenly awaiting the outcome of its counterpart’s investigation. “If it was a mistake, a mistake is a mistake. But if they were knowingly responsible, yeah, then there should be consequences.” Quoted Trump.

There have been recent conspiracy theories circulating over the internet regarding China’s involvement in creating and releasing the virus. Questions have been raised over how the Chinese officials were ‘successful’ in preventing the spread within larger cities of China.

“How come the virus only affected Wuhan and no other cities within the country?” inquires a conspiracy theorist who wishes to remain anonymous. Another quoted “China, where the virus originated reported 82,758 cases while 77,123 recovered, 4,623 deaths were reported. That is an astounding 93.19% recovery rate. Whereas Iran and Turkey, the countries with the closest recovery rates recorded 83,505 and 90,980 cases while 59,273 and 13,430 recovered, 5,209 and 2,140 deaths were reported respectively.

Which indicates recovery rates of 70.98% and 14.76%. Countries like the US, Spain, Germany, England, and France have recorded insane death rates as opposed to China. If the virus accidentally occurred in the markets of Wuhan then would it not mean that China were unaware of the virus’ unusual behavioural tendencies and would it not leave China at a disadvantage as opposed to other counties?” The same quotes “Is population control the main agenda or is it China’s way of retaliating for its economic woes of last year?”

A few Grand Old Party (GOP) Lawmakers of the Republican Party have implied that the virus was created and released in a lab in Wuhan during experiments. The party has floated a bill that would permit the American party to prosecute China for damages.

“It is clear to us that not only was there a failure by the World Health Organization to communicate to America and the world what was happening in China, but also that China was not as forthcoming as they should have been,” said Vice President Mike Pence on “Fox News Sunday.”

Congressional Republicans are holding China responsible for the global pandemic, which claimed over 170,324 lives as well as derailing the global economy.

In response The Foreign Minister of The People’s Republic of China, Wang Yi was heard stating that the “international community should work together through these difficult times instead of pointing fingers at each other.” “The virus is the common enemy of all mankind and may appear at any time in the world,” ministry spokesman Geng Shuang told reporters in Beijing. “Like many other countries, China was attacked by this virus. We are the victim instead of the culprit.”

 ‘The Turning Point’

Not all Americans have neither accused China nor criticized their leadership however, the Republican organizations have taken a stance against the Democrats for defending the Chinese government. “Our relationship with China was good until they did this,” said the President.

Upon a question being raised on whether America’s Ties with China would be at risk, President Trump quotes “would you be angry at China?’ Well, the answer might very well be a very resounding yes, but it depends: was it a mistake that got out of control, or was it done deliberately?”

“There’s a big difference between those two,” he said.

Despite the Trump campaign sending out a fundraising email accusing China of ‘lying’ about the pandemic. The President himself has been quite silent as opposed to his party. He was heard praising the Chinese government on their means of handling the outbreak successfully.

U.S. funding of W.H.O would be halted on the President’s request over accusations of the UN Agency siding with China over the Coronavirus claims. International criticism has followed this move made by Trump.

China, in this case, being the first nation to be exposed to the virus “has really a higher moral obligation on communicating and transparency.” Said Birx.

“That’s something that we can look into after this is over,” Birx said. “We can figure out really what has to happen for first alerts and transparency and understanding very early on.”

President Donald J. Trump Feels China Directly Responsible for Outbreak