
Snacking On Almonds May Actually Be A Good Idea

By UGC Editor

June 15, 2020


An earlier study revealed that munching on almonds would result in the lowering of hunger pangs as opposed to consuming savoury snacks.

The nuts are packed with dietary goodness that many consider it to be the go-to snacking option and the great thing is, you could eat as much of it as you can on a daily basis and still be healthy. A recent study has revealed that when you are hungry in between two meals and are looking for something to snack on, you must consider almond because it can improve cardiovascular health. This amazing nut boosts hair and skin health as well, leaving you with shiny hair and glowing skin.

Participants from the UK who had ‘above average’ cardiovascular disease risk were subjected to almonds during a study, which was conducted by researchers from Kings College London. The subjects were placed into two groups and the cardiometabolic health of the groups were compared. It was noted that there had been improvement in the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in the test subjects. This proved that regular munching on almonds could in-fact lower the risk of ‘adjusted relative cardiovascular disease’ by 32 per-cent stated the researchers.

The study, which appeared in the ‘European Journal of Nutrition’, noticed a considerable reduction in the waist circumference and a lower body mass index (BMI) of the tests subjects of the group who consumed almonds. “This study shows that eating almonds in place of the typical snacks that many of us consume, is beneficial for our heart health, by reducing levels of bad LDL-cholesterol and improving the health of our arteries,” Quoted Wendy Hall, the research head

Experts carefully took note of a four-day food diary of some 6,802 adults, and found that those who have healthier diets and eat almonds, also consume more of proteins, fats, vitamin C, fibre, potassium and other such healthy elements. It was also observed that these people have a lower intake of carbohydrates, sugar and sodium, and also trans-fatty acids.

An earlier study established that snacking on almonds may reduce hunger pans and also suppressed unconscious desire to consume other high-fat foods, which could be useful in a weight management strategy.