
5.00 AM Lifestyle

By UGC Editor

May 02, 2020

You might wonder what this article is all about, well, I thought I’d share a ‘well known’ secret with you that could most like change your lifestyle for the better.

Being nocturnal has helped me in ways that were beneficial during my university years but, those are long gone now and the constant pressure of staying up all night munching on snacks and ‘sipping’ on Baileys has only been constricted to work now.

‘March madness’ was the time I figured out the benefits of waking up at dawn. Although I’ve read about celebrities, sports personnel and corporate moguls such as Sir Richard Branson, Warren Buffet, Sallie Krawcheck, Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Tim Cook, Caroline Burckle and many more simply wake up by 5.00 am. My first reaction was don’t these people enjoy sleep? What on earth is wrong with them? I’ve read articles on the salience of sleep and how it reduces the risk of heart attacks and stress. So, what’s going on here? How come these people wake up so early and are bustling with energy? Whereas people like myself go through a constant battle with times to simply get out of bed by 8.30 am or so. Before I disclose that let me run a little anecdote with you.

Brownie, one of the five mischievous four-legged little angels, whom I share my abode with was forced after an altercation with his siblings to end up on the spare bed beside mine. A Jack Russel Terrier cross by pedigree and a little over a foot in height this little monster has a terrible habit of waking whoever is around him exactly at 5.00 am without fail like an alarm. In-fact he this little critter is more reliable than my alarm.

The first couple of days were torture, simply walking down the hallway and making a cup of coffee at that hour was hellish. But soon, I realized things weren’t that bad. HBO had Jackie Chan kicking butt and Elmo on zoom with his friends, surprisingly adhering to social distancing habits and bam! It felt like time stood still. What sort of magic is this? No matter I did, I felt I had an extra couple of hours at hand. I ended up reading more, exercising at home more frequently, playing with my other angels and no matter what I did I’d always finish up everything by 8.00 am.

So, literally I was halfway into my mundane quarantine routine while everyone else from work was still in bed. The best part is no matter what I do I felt a surge of energy flow through my veins throughout the entire day. Generally, you might tend to think that by 8.00 am I’d call it a night, right? No, I would literally end up either researching or watching a movie simply till 11.00 pm or so and it felt good. Really, really good.

So, this is the secret of the ‘go-getters & the decision-makers’ they simply have more time at hand and by the time the whole country wakes up they are already miles ahead filled with energy. This is something no malt beverage nor pill could do.

The research was right when it divulged that the average adult human being requires 6 -8 hours of good sleep to function adequately but what it doesn’t tell you is that the body doesn’t care what time you go to bed as long you put in the hours in. So, make those hours count and sleep early today and believe me you’ll be amazed at the results of waking up at 5.00 am.

Good luck and happy sleeping.