As we slowly step into normalcy towards mid-2020, many of us are simply wiping their foreheads and are probably saying ‘thank god!’. After many months of ups and downs, well, five months to be precise, we are probably trying to re-discover ourselves.
The year 2020 has meant something different thus far, to each and every one of us. We’ve all strolled down different paths to reach the same destination. Despite our differences and social stratas we are all here together at this very moment, ready to begin a new chapter in life.
“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors you where there were only walls. – Joseph Cambell
When someone we know is in despair or in a situation of deep grievance, how do we lend a hand? Or do we actually ‘lend a hand’? We might have considered averting a tad post-COVID-19 but alas now things are different. We desperately want to uplift people now, perhaps in terms of words of endearment or through means of spending a little more on that grocery shopping list to ensure some has a little less of a problem to fret about as a result.
Pay heed to the subtle message!!!
It speaks more than when spoken
If we are unable to fit into the set mould society has created for us means we simply remain in existence as misfits. Fear of rejection drives us to the point where placing labels on our chests are the norm. We are all ‘sparks of consciousness’ and so much more than could ever be defined in any label.
Paving the ‘right’ way for change
Is there a way to move past a traumatic experience? Is there really a true way of healing? What happens after the betrayal of trust?
Reformation through patience and perseverance
Sometimes in life, it takes that one voice, one person or one moment to change one’s life. For many that life-changing voice lies within a teacher, friend or a relative. Take time to listen to yourself as much as listening to those around you, for then you will comprehend much more than ever.
Same Face Different Expressions
The face lies not, despite the tongue doing so. Life teaches us that ‘we’ are based on emotion and notion. We have many faces and yet only one is seen while the rest remain at bay, waiting to come into existence at the slightest cue.
As we turn to the sky hopeful with anticipation for what is to come, the words of Paulo Coelho come to mind:
None of us knows what might happen even the next minute, yet still we go forward. Because we trust. Because we have faith.