
The Excruciating Change of Today

Climate Change

If you are someone like myself, a mid-aged teenager (or so I’d like to think) you’d probably have experienced the ever-evolving world a little differently. Sure, there were fancy sports cars and Hollywood celebrities that could transfix any individual on his/her tracks but what I am referring is something more generic.

Something that’s been changing so dramatically and yet, no one has been successful at curbing the detrimental effects that impact our beloved planet. Well, the old saying ‘You can’t see the forest for the trees’ has never been more applicable than now. If there’s something you desperately wish you could change it would be the excruciating heat. Yes, you heard me. We are not talking about politics, economy or even a country’s status on a global scale. So, what’s more, important than any of the above or even your six-figure job or whatever it maybe? Let’s put it this way, Earth, our beloved planet depends on the Sun for its source of energy and sustentation. Half of the light reaching Earth’s atmosphere is blocked off by clouds and the air leaving the remainder, which is absorbed and radiated upward in the form of infrared heat. Subsequently, 90% of this heat is absorbed by greenhouse gasses and radiated towards the surface again climate change. – ‘

Global warming has been on the rise since the mid 20th century to the human expansion of the “greenhouse effect”. Warming which occurs as a result of the atmosphere trapping heat radiating from Earth toward space. Water vapour (H2O), Nitrous Oxide (N2O), Methane (CH4) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) are a few of the ‘culprits’ when it comes to contribution to greenhouse gases. That’s not all! Over the years, human activities such as deforestation, water and air pollution, burning of fossil fuels along with industrialization have added to the change in the natural greenhouse. In-fact we’ve caused more catastrophe over the last century than the remaining four and a half billion years. Let’s face the harsh reality. Earth is warming up and very soon we’d not be able to withstand the effects this temperature change. The North Pole has recorded a temperature increase of 1.6 Fahrenheit (0.9 degrees Celsius) even more in sensitive areas. If you do a keyword search on Google, you’d be amazed at the number of articles that appear and that’s not all, the satellite images are truly horrific. Glaciers melting, shifting precipitation patterns, sea ice melting and animals on the constant move and relocating due to climate change. The sea level rising at a rapid rate.

We should act now if we are to have a future. Greta Thunberg, American Politician and former Senator of Tennessee Al- Gore are a few of the environmental activists who believe that humanity is on the verge of an existential crisis both Al-Gore and Thunberg feel that the current generation is largely responsible for the current global situation.

Environmental activists feel that little action is taken from respective governments to combat climate change. For instance, lowering emissions isn’t enough they should pay heed to what scientists are saying on how to address the crisis.

Then only would we truly have a cleaner and more habitable environment to live in and as well as to nurture our children.

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