Rep. Jerrold Nadler, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, on Thursday called for a Department of Justice investigation into the shooting of unarmed African/American jogger Ahmaud Arbery.
Ahmaud Arbery
Footage of the shooting, which occurred on the 23rd of February emerged on Tuesday the 5th of May. The lawmaker from New York quoted “would appear to present clear probable cause for first degree murder charges.”
“Justice for Ahmaud requires a full investigation of this crime, beginning with the arrest of all assailants,” Nadler said in his statement.
“Given the local response, the Department of Justice must immediately investigate this incident,” he said.
The documented evidence clearly shows Arbery being confronted by two armed suspects in Brunswick, Georgia, before three shots are fired.
Travis McMicheal, 34 is seen jumping out of the vehicle and engaging verbally with Arbery, who subsequently is shot at with a shotgun.
The McMichaels, Travis and Gregory 64, the latter being a retired New York City police officer, maintained their story where they claimed that they believed Arbery was a possible burglary suspect. The duo were taken into custody Thursday and were being booked into the Glynn County Jail.
Tom Duren, a prosecutor assigned to the case feels he needs to have a grand jury hear the evidence in the shooting and weigh charges against the McMichaels.