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2020 The Rise of a Global Epidemic Coronavirus COVID-19

COVID-19 Coronavirus

Chinese authorities identified a mysterious virus emanating from the city of Wuhan on the 7th of January 2019, which under an electron microscope bears a hypothetical solar corona. As of now little is known about it, although research shows that transmission occurs from human to human. The diseased termed Coronavirus COVID-19 has been reported in over 170 countries worldwide with a staggering 458,000 cases with over 20,000 deaths worldwide.


The year two thousand and twenty Anno Domini, it is said that the world we live in is a paradise filled with beauty, serenity, and sophistication. Surrounded by contemporary structures that reach as high as the stars, automotive vehicles, and aircraft that convenience man in a multitude of ways that truly would have placed us on a pedestal with the ancient gods of Greece.

Evolution has taken its toll on humanity since the eviction of Adam and Eve from the biblical Garden of Eden. Ever since that fateful mythical experience, men and women have been able to nurture and adapt to their hostile surroundings. Till now.

Chinese authorities identified a mysterious virus emanating from the city of Wuhan on the 7th of January 2019, which under an electron microscope bears a hypothetical solar corona. Hence the virus was termed ‘SARS-CoV-2’ popularly known as The Coronavirus. SARS- CoV-2, is an undiscovered strain that has not been identified in humans. As of now little is known about it, although research shows that transmission occurs from human to human.

The diseased termed Coronavirus COVID-19 has been reported in over 170 countries worldwide with a staggering 458,000 cases with over 20,000 deaths worldwide. Italy reports having faced the brunt of the attack with over 600 deaths per day since the 18th of March.

Coronavirus COVID-19

These numbers have caused the entire globe to go into lockdown, while some countries have taken more drastic measures such as imposing a curfew. Others opt for a more responsible option such as self-isolation.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and medical authorities of the world state that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has an expected incubation period of 2 to 14 days, during this time no visible symptoms may occur, however, the exposed individual may likely be infected and is at a strong risk of exposing the virus to others. The virus is estimated at a spread rate of 1.5 – 3.5 (RO) Reproduction Rate per individual, that being said every infected individual is at risk of spreading the virus to two healthy individuals, subsequently creating a global pandemic.

According to the WHO, Coronaviruses COVID-19 fall into a category of viruses that causes illnesses such as a common cold, dry cough, fever, tiredness, respiratory difficulty, nasal congestion & runny nose subsequently leading to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). The virus is known to have originally transmitted from animals to humans. SARS, for instance, was transmitted from civet cats to humans while MERS moved to humans from a type of camel.

There currently is no known vaccine nor antibiotic that works against both the SARS & MERS viruses. Hence, medical authorities worldwide advise citizens to take precautions and adopt preventive hygiene habits such as washing hands with an alcohol-based sanitizer or soap for 20 seconds, wearing approved face masks, and practicing social distancing to curb the spreading of the viruses.

Remember this is a time to remain strong and work together through isolation obviously, as one and ensure that we as human beings overcome this coronavirus COVID-19 epidemic and emerge as healthy human beings.

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